Do you have any general advice?
I made this video on 5 ideas that have helped me make money investing in crypto that may help you out as well. Also, this video is on 5 questions I ask before investing in any coin. Lastly, there are A LOT of scams out there and a variety of ways to lose your crypto. This video addresses the 3 most common scams to watch out for. Don’t fall victim!

How much should I invest?
Cryptocurrencies are very high risk, high reward assets; just look at Luna. Having said that, that all depends on both your risk tolerance and risk management. If you can’t handle the volatility very well or are risk averse, don’t invest much. However, if you feel like you can handle the volatility and take on that risk, then invest more. I address how much I think one should invest into crypto in this video.

How do you make money in crypto?
There are many ways that you can make money in crypto, there isn’t just one way. This video talks about 7 of the most common ways that people make money in crypto.

How can I get started with learning how to trade?
This video is essentially a checklist of all the ideas around trading that I personally have learned. I do want to say that there’s a lot of content when it comes to learning how to read charts and trading and it can be very overwhelming. I’ve probably spent at least 1,000+ hours learning about anything related to technical analysis and trading; I didn’t learn this stuff overnight. I’ve watched YouTube videos, read books, listened to podcasts and took courses on this subject. As trading is both an art and science, what works for me may not work for you. Lastly, a very no risk way of getting some experience with trading is with a trading simulator. Check out this video on a trading simulator.

How do you track your crypto?
Over the years that I’ve been in crypto I’ve used different methods of tracking my portfolio. However, for myself, I personally like what Google Sheets has to offer so I just use them as they suffice for my needs. If you’re interested, this video is on my latest portfolio tracker. If you don't like Google Sheets though, Coinmarketcap has a free portfolio tracker where you can view your portfolio on both a computer and phone. Also, this tracker can help you with both keeping track of your crypto purchases and dispositions along with helping you keep track of your capital gains/losses for tax purposes. Lastly, this video is on a profit calculator that may be of interest to you as well.

Where do I buy ____ coin?
First check out the Buying Crypto menu and see if any of the Canadian platforms offer it there. If not, this video shows you where you can find whichever coin you’re interested in buying.

How can I buy or cash out USDT in Canada?

Check out the Selling Crypto menu here as I address the best way to both buy and sell USDT in Canada.

If you're still unsure of what to do and would like 1:1 support, check out the consultations page.

How do I transfer (send) coins?
When transferring or sending crypto, the process is pretty much the same for all coins and wallets or exchanges or platforms assuming that the wallet you’re transferring from actually allows you to transfer your coins. There are some small differences among coins when transferring them. This may or may not be applicable to you. For example, sometimes when sending XLM, or stellar, you may be required a “memo”. But when sending Bitcoin, no “memo” is required. 

Also, when you’re transferring your coins or tokens, make sure that wherever you are transferring the coins to supports the coin or token on the same chain that your coin or token is on otherwise your funds will be lost. A classic example of this would be transferring your Ethereum on Binance Smart Chain to Coinbase which does not support Binance Smart Chain at all. 

When transferring your coins, all you need is the wallet receiving address that you'd like to send the coins to. Think of this as the same idea as sending an e-transfer; all you need is the e-mail address. With that said, this video shows step by step on how to send coins.

Where can I leverage trade in Canada?
Check out the Trading Crypto page as I list out an option there.